Saturday, October 23, 2010

~Ç@ppůčħĩńø KękkÌ~

WOOT~ What a hectic day it is~

10.30am woke up
11.00am went out with mom
1.00pm reach wedding dinner place
2.30pm dinner start

@_@ Those people are so slow~~ I waited for so long just to have my lunch!!!!!

4.00pm dinner ends
5.00pm went to bakery shop
6.30pm reach home

Celebrate my mom & grandfather's birthday =D
Cappuchino cake~~~ Oishii desu~
The icing are perfect! Its not too buttery & sweet ^-^
Love it
Keep eating the hole day~~ @_@
My weight will be going up again T-T
But I just can't resist those dessert!!!!!! =D

Random pic for today =)
Its kinda many today XD

Cappuchino Cake~~~ YUMMY
Actually I also ate a Ichigo Kekki, but I forgot to took a photo of it!
Finally! I have been waiting my mom to buy this for me XD
Can U guess what it this??


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